8 Affordable Marketing Solutions That Beat Digital Every Time

Have you heard? Social media is a big deal. And if we are not discussing social media and TikTok, then we better be talking about mobile, and digital too, because that is where the action is, right? 

I was reminded that social media and digital marketing are not the only games in town when I opened my mailbox recently and found a hand-addressed envelope from my lawyer. He was writing to thank me for my business and to remind me that his firm handles other issues too–besides business–just in case I ever needed other legal assistance.

I had engaged in a similar mailing strategy back in the day and recall that it had netted me significant income over the next year as old clients started hiring me for new engagements. And all it cost me was an afternoon of my time to craft the letter, and some stamps.

People love social media marketing for many reasons, but the main one is that it is affordable. The good news though is that there are a lot of different marketing methods available that are equally affordable, and maybe even more effective. Here are eight of my favorites, aside from the “personal letter” approach, above. 

A “loss leader” is a marketing strategy that says that if you offer a steep discount on one item, it will bring people in the door, and you can then use that increase in traffic to make other sales.

What is that you say — you have a retail business that doesn’t lend itself to befriending a concierge? No problem. What about hiring a college kid to stand on the street in front of your store, wearing a goofy costume, holding a sign or a giant pointing arrow? Does it work? Well, it sure seems to do something for the tax preparers, pizza restaurants, and muffler shops in my area, and in yours too, I bet.

Wrapping your car in an advertisement for your business may seem silly, and maybe it is, but that difference is what makes it stand out and have people remember it. And, after all, isn’t that the point of marketing?

A bakery can have a contest for the best banana bread recipe. A vintage clothing store could have an ugliest-jacket contest. A photographer could run with a contest to find the most exotic vacation picture. The important thing is that a contest will engage your audience, and get you some of that great PR.