Saturday 27th July 2024
  • Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth—never before seen in reptiles - National Geographic (No paywall)

    Gnawing mammals such beavers, rats, and shrews sport the metal in their teeth, which toughens their bite. But scientists have long believed reptile teeth didn’t have special adaptations to keep their weaponry sharp. Unlike mammals, reptiles shed and grow new teeth throughout their lives, and so can dispose of any teeth that have been worn down. Komodos also have a venomous bite, which stuns their prey before they tear it apart with sharp teeth and claws. (Learn why komodo dragons stick close to home.)

    “I probably saw it three or four times, and completely dismissed it, thinking that this was staining from feeding,” he says; the reptiles take up iron from their meat-rich diets. As he saw more, he began to enlist the help from other scientists and museum curators to inspect dragon skulls. The pattern, it turns out, was consistent across the specimens. (Learn where you can see komodo dragons in the wild.)

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  • Maine: from sea to scone - Travel (No paywall)

    People usually travel to Maine guided by a sense of adventure. I arrive guided by my stomach, eager to eat and drink my way through the Casco Bay region’s food scene. To see Mainers' commitment to harvesting and preparing impeccable cuisine, I stop by The Lobster Shack at Two Lights, where they’ve been serving seafood plates for over a hundred years. 

    Waiting in line, I overhear the man in front of me ask, “Does your lobster roll come with butter or mayo?” He has a sharp undertone, as if there is only one correct answer. The cashier responds, “Mayo,” and the man orders his lobster roll plain. I believe I’ve just witnessed the settling of one of the great food debates of our time. Though I love mayonnaise to an unhealthy degree, I am new here, and that man is still a few feet away from me. I order mine plain as well, ensuring my first taste of Maine lobster remains pure. It wasn’t a wrong decision. The flavor is like the air along the coast: fresh, crisp. It makes the colors more saturated and the light brighter. I’ve been in Maine for three days already, but with this bite, I’ve finally arrived.

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  • Can the moon influence human health? Surprising new research suggests it might. - National Geographic (No paywall)

    Yet researchers have long dismissed such claims in humans, with many studies reporting conflicting results. And several large studies have found no uptick in homicides or admissions to trauma centers or mental health unit admissions around the full moon, one of eight parts of a 29.5-day cycle during which the moon revolves around Earth. (Read more about the phases of the moon.)

    The results are enough to cast doubt on the long-standing consensus that the moon has no influence on us, as well to investigate how lunar cycles could affect human biology, says Kristin Tessmar-Raible, a chronobiologist at the University of Vienna in Austria, who wasn’t involved in the recent studies.

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  • Period atmosphere is best part of game set on turbulent oil rig - New Scientist (No paywall)

    In Still Wakes the Deep, you play as a Glaswegian electrician on a 1970s oil rig. The well-crafted setting gives way to horror, but I wish I could linger in mundanity for longer, says Jacob Aron

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  • Charted: Big Tech vs. S&P 500 Earnings Growth Forecasts

    For Nvidia, chip demand is projected to ease as major buyers, such as Amazon and Microsoft, near capacity for building AI systems by 2026. Adding to this, the company could face increasing competition as new players enter the market, or established big tech companies begin to build chips in-house.

    By contrast, the S&P 500 is projected to see moderate growth in annual earnings, bolstered by a strong U.S. economy. In Q2 2024, four sectors experienced double-digit earnings growth compared to the previous year: financials, communication services, health care, and information technology. Meanwhile, the energy sector has witnessed declines as prices across oil and natural gas have fallen significantly from 2022 peaks.

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  • Ranked: U.S. Sports Stadium Revenue, by League

    In fact, the cost of gate receipts across the big four leagues have jumped much higher than core inflation since 2007, with the sharpest rise seen over last year. One part of the reason is the rising costs of suites and luxury boxes, which can run as high as $45,000 per game for teams like the NFL’s San Francisco 49ers. During Super Bowl LVIII, the cost of suites peaked at $2.5 million.

    While the MLS’s stadium revenues are much smaller than the big four, it makes up the highest share of total revenue, at 57%—more than double the NFL. Over the last eight years, attendance has been steadily growing, reaching an estimated 10.9 million attendees in 2023. Not only that, total revenues spiked by 27% in 2023 driven largely by superstar Lionel Messi joining Inter Miami.

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  • Ranked: The 10 Busiest Ports in the World, by Cargo Traffic

    Due to supply chain shifts and deeper integration, intraregional trade within Asia has grown significantly. In the 1990s, over 70% of Asian exports by value went beyond the region, with containers being shipped back mostly empty. By comparison, roughly 60% of exports in Asia are traded within the region today.

    Since 2009, the country has been the largest exporter of goods in the world. The expansion and modernization of China’s port network are pivotal to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). As a global infrastructure development strategy adopted by China in 2013, the BRI is aimed at expanding connectivity and trade between Asia, Europe, and Africa through creating extensive networks of railways, energy pipelines, highways, and shipping routes.

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  • Mapped: Africa's North-South Religious Divide Explained

    Noticeably, countries in the middle of the continent tend to have large populations of both, with one group holding a slim majority. For example, Nigeria is only about 50% Muslim. However, this translates into the the highest number of Muslims in a country in absolute terms, at 115 million.

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  • Mars rover found a rock with possible signs of ancient life - New Scientist (No paywall)

    The Perseverance rover has found some of the most promising hints of ancient Martian life yet, but we can’t know for sure until its samples are sent back to Earth

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  • How fast do we get out of shape and is there a way to slow the loss? - New Scientist (No paywall)

    When we take a break from exercise, it can feel like we quickly go back to square one. But this isn't the case, and there are various ways to minimise the decline

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