In 29 Seconds, Barbara Corcoran Just Taught a Lesson in How to Start a New Habit and Stick With It

Barbara Corcoran, at 75, is impressively fit and trim. What does the Shark Tank shark and executive producer do to stay that way? A fitness trainer and entrepreneur named Mark Langowski, founder of Body By Mark, decided to ask her this question for his highly popular Instagram channel. That resulted in a one-minute video in which Corcoran explains her fitness regimen, gives Langowski a tour of her home, and shares her breakfast with him. The answer to his question about how she stays fit takes just 29 seconds. It’s good advice for anyone who wants to start a good habit of any kind and stick with it for the long term.

“I do weight-lifting, I do stretching. That’s all I do,” Corcoran tells Langowski. Experts agree that the stickiest habits are ones that are neither too complicated nor too demanding. So the simpler and easier you make your own habit, the likelier you’ll be to keep doing it over time. And weight-lifting and stretching are two of the most powerful exercises for helping an aging body stay young. 

“I work out three days a week with a trainer or I would never do anything,” Corcoran says. That’s extremely smart. Most of us are more likely to stick with a habit if it involves another person or people and we make a commitment to that other person. For instance, the fact that I have a standing date to go walking or hiking with a friend every week means I get out and do it more often than if I just had to get myself out the door. Whether it’s a professional trainer or teacher or just a workout partner, find someone to help you stay committed.

Corcoran, who certainly has a lot on her plate, has three regular times for her workout every week. That’s smart too. Setting a regular time in your schedule for your new habit is another way to make sure you get to it.

What does Corcoran do right after her workout? “I have a big-ass chocolate donut,” she says. And indeed, in the video she pulls a chocolate glazed donut out of a bag and gives a piece of it to Langowski. Research suggests that our brains take special note of the things we find pleasurable, such as delicious food, and pushes us to seek those things out again. It’s why we keep returning to our favorite restaurants and ordering the same meal, and why we may retain important information better if we eat ice cream or some other appealing treat while learning it. 

“Do I drink alcohol? Oh yeah!” Corcoran says, in answer to a question from Langowski. She opens her refrigerator. “It’s mostly alcohol, my whole fridge,” she says, gesturing inside. “This is my sake, this is my wine. But I don’t drink a lot. I drink a glass of wine with dinner.”

Denying yourself the things you enjoy is a recipe for frustration. On the other hand, over-indulging in them can be even worse. Finding the middle ground, where you enjoy a treat in moderation is often the best approach.

Corcoran believes her health regimen has made her the fittest of the Shark Tank sharks. “The guys think they’re more fit, but guys always do that stuff,” she tells Langowski. “I’m the most fit.”

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