Happiness Hacks: Uncover the 3 Bad Habits That Are Holding You Back

Happiness does not find us, we choose it every single day in our attitudes and in the ways we spend our energy--at work and in our personal lives. But since happiness is, to a large extent, a matter of choice, not just condition, you have the power to make that choice, every day, to do things and see things differently.

If there is something that continually makes you unhappy, you can often train yourself to stop doing it, and replace it with a better habit that will make you happier. Here are some ways to do just that.

We are social creatures, and we have a natural need for the affirmations of others to feel good about ourselves. So, when we get angry with our coworkers, customers, or colleagues, we need to find a better way than lashing out at the people around us. When we alienate the people we need to create long-term relationships with, this can set in motion a cycle that is ultimately toxic to our own well-being in the long run.

Complain, then act. Don't do things that yield empty results. If you spend several hours in front of the TV to feel mildly entertained when you should be sitting in front of your computer getting some work done, you're doing things wrong. When you run away from yourself, you won't get anywhere. Ultimately, you are the only one who can make yourself happy, so don't just sit there and let the days go by. Embrace them and get good things done. I promise you'll be happier as a result.

The good old days may have been great but if you want to be happy today, you've got to give up living in a time that no longer exists. It is not possible to make new friends, set new goals, or find a new beginning if you're always living in the past. If you want to make the most of each day, and there's no reason you shouldn't, then you must stay in the here and now.

Happiness is a habit, and the small but important choices we make day after day--letting go of negative feelings, choosing to embrace the day, and to stop living in the past--are important steps in the right direction.