Thursday 26th December 2024

    From the Editor's Desk

    Science Says This Is the Best (Practical) Way to Improve Your Memory, Recall, and Retention

    For example, take the one about meetings. The fact that research shows meetings literally make people dumber – a 2012 study published in Transcripts of the Royal Society of London found that meetings, and how people sometimes behave in meetings, can cause you to temporarily lose IQ points – isn’t particularly surprising.

    Nor is the fact most people feel the average meeting is a waste of time. A 2022 meta-analysis of more than a decade of studies published in Journal of Business Research found that 90 percent of employees feel meetings are “costly” and “unproductive,” and that they’re right: when the number of meetings was reduced by 40 percent, employee productivity increased by 70 percent.

    Continued here

    TradeBriefs: Newsletters for Decision-Makers!