Friday 27th December 2024

    From the Editor's Desk

    Warren Buffett Keeps a 123-Year-Old Copy of 'The New York Times,' and the Reason Is Inspiring

    He wasn’t born yet (he’s old, but not that old), but we know that he knows because it was memorialized in a front-page New York Times article on May 10 of that year, which Buffett later framed and kept prominently on the wall in his office in Omaha.

    TROY, N.Y., May 9 — The body of Samuel Bolton Jr., a prominent brewer and businessman of this city, was found today in a vat of hot beer. Mr. Bolton had but a short time before returned from a pleasure drive, and chatted pleasantly with friends. About noon, his hat was seen beside the vat of boiling beer and an investigation brought to light his body in the steaming liquid.

    Continued here

    TradeBriefs: Newsletters for Decision-Makers!