Friday 18th October 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    A tour of San Francisco's best cocktail bars from mixologist Josh Harris

    San Francisco's Barbary Coast, a red-light district which lasted from the 1849 California Gold Rush until roughly the Roaring 1920s, was one of the most colourful and notorious neighbourhoods in American history. For much of the 19th and early 20th Centuries, it was populated by miners, sailors, criminals and a variety of other unsavoury characters who flocked to the city's bustling waterfront. The Barbary Coast became renowned for its saloons, dance halls, brothels and nightlife, and it set the stage for a cocktail revolution that swept across the country. Here, drinks weren't just viewed as libations, but instead acted as a form of entertainment, with bartenders held in high regard due to their skill and showmanship.

    Today, the Barbary Coast's legacy can still be felt (and tasted) in many of San Francisco's best bars. This spirit of "Old" San Francisco remains especially alive in parts of the modern North Beach, Chinatown and Financial District neighbourhoods that once comprised it. Connected to this iconic period of history is a unique array of cocktails that earn awards and praise from imbibers around the world.

    Continued here

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