Monday 3rd June 2024
  • Is Shrimp Good for You? It’s Complicated.

    Americans love their prawns. So how healthy are they — for us and for the planet?

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  • Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

    The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.

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  • Prostate cancer hopes raised after at-home spit test trials

    Research suggests cheap and simple spit tests may be better at catching the disease than blood tests.

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  • How releasing our 'inner artist' can help keep us calm

    From "craftivism" to easy, imaginative upcycling, being creative can bring a sense of peace – and quell the urge to acquire more and more stuff.

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  • Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative 'Flow State' - Scientific American (No paywall)

    Both expertise and the ability to release one’s focus can help people enter a state of effortless attention

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  • Why midlife looks different for millennials

    If you want to get a sense of how American midlife has changed, look no further than 1991 comedy “Father of the Bride,” in which actors Steve Martin and Diane Keaton play parents in their mid-40s. Conversation around a 2022 viral tweet calling out those portrayals largely agrees: whatever the movie’s ideal of middle age, it doesn’t resemble today’s spry 40-year-olds.

    Yes, midlife looks different now—in fashion, in youthful attitude, and in cold, hard numbers. Most days, with no kids, no husband, no mortgage, I don’t think of myself as a “real” grown-up at 37, at least not of the Keaton-Martin caliber. Sure, some people of my generation will soon have kids old enough to get married. But many are just having their first children—the median age of mothers giving birth increased to 30 between 1990 and 2019—or, like one fifth of adults, don’t plan to have kids at all.

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  • Meet the mom who took on toxic waste--and won

    When Lois and Harry Gibbs moved to a three-bedroom home in Niagara Falls, New York, in 1972, the young wife thought she’d hit the jackpot. “I really thought I had succeeded in finding the best house in this entire country,” Gibbs recalls. Her husband, a chemical worker, had a good job. Her neighbors were close-knit, the area idyllic. And kids, were everywhere, roaming the neighborhood, swimming in the local creek—the Love Canal neighborhood was an area “alive” with children.

    But things were not what they seemed. Under the surface, in the soil beneath its perfect houses, lay chemical contamination from a toxic waste dump—a ticking time bomb that would result in disease, tragedy, and Gibbs’ transformation from shy housewife into a nationally known environmental activist.

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  • Revolutionary weight-loss drugs like Wegovy come with a catch

    More than 73% of American adults are overweight, according to the CDC. This puts them at increased risk of death and many serious health issues, but losing weight and keeping it off through diet changes and exercise — the standard approach — is notoriously difficult.

    That made the FDA’s 2021 approval of Novo Nordisk’s semaglutide (Wegovy) as an obesity treatment seem like something of a miracle.

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  • 19 Elon Musk Quotes That Will Inspire You to Success

    Like other great dreamers before him, Musk lives in a world of endless possibilities where nothing is impossible.

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  • I Will Never Hire Anyone Again Without Asking Apple's Genius Interview Question

    They say recruiting is a lot like dating. Online profiles act as piles of resumes that reduce humans to a comparatively tiny number of choice words they've strung together to entice you to consider them. All are hopelessly vying for your attention, if not approval. 

    For some, your "competitive salary" isn't competitive enough. Others won't find your benefits package to be, well, beneficial enough. And then there are those who are simply using your interest as a bargaining chip to show their current engagements that they need to step it up, as they have other options.

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