Sunday 12th May 2024
  • Taylor Swift Fans Figured Out a Simple Way to Get Cheap Tickets, and Now I'm Actually Kind of Considering It

    My daughter is a Taylor Swift fan. And if you want to develop strong bonds with your kids, sometimes the smartest thing to do is to develop an interest in the things that they're already interested in. 

    But, what if I told you that there's a strategy that tens of thousands of U.S. fans have used already -- where you might be able to get a lot more than just a Taylor Swift concert for the same amount of money, or even less.

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  • 3 Leadership Tips to Overcome Confirmation Bias and Make Better Decisions

    Almost every month, a seemingly untouchable company suffers a major blow. Last year, Silicon Valley Bank went from a startup darling to complete collapse; Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch faced customer backlashes that wiped billions from their value. The losses aren't just to profits, but to the planet too. When BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in 2010, 5 million barrels of oil spilled into the sea, endangering 400 species and spoiling 1,000 miles of coastline.

    What's striking is that the problems were lying in plain sight. SVB's own models predicted large losses if interest rates rose. A large anti-woke movement had already gathered pace in 2022. And BP engineers had run three tests to check if the oil well was secure - and all three had failed.

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  • With 8 Powerful Words, Caitlin Clark Just Taught a Brilliant Lesson in Getting What You Want

    The video of Clark, a rookie for the Indiana Fever who is already one of the WNBA's most bankable stars, walking through an airport baggage claim like any other passenger (guarded by security but with fans approaching and tracking her), was striking.

    But, this seemed like a moment when the league's newfound fanbase realized that while the top women's college basketball teams routinely fly on chartered jets, commercial flights have been the rule for three decades in the WNBA. (There have been some exceptions, like during the playoffs.) 

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  • 3 Ways to Weed Out Difficult Clients

    As a self-employed professional, I've learned the hard way that saying "yes" to every client can lead to a world of stress. Through trial and error, I've discovered three foolproof strategies to filter out the bad clients before they become a thorn in your side. Here's my guide to maintaining your sanity and your bottom line.

    It sounds counterintuitive, but here's the thing: When you increase your rates, you're not just upping your income, you're also setting a standard. By valuing your services more, you attract clients who value them too. Clients who balk at higher rates are often the ones who don't understand the blood, sweat, and tears that go into your work. They're also the ones more likely to haggle over every invoice and demand five-star service for a one-star payment.

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  • Neuroscience Says That Your Brain Dismisses Outgroup Members Within a Fraction of a Second

    This innate response, deeply embedded in our neural circuitry, influences how we perceive and interact with the world around us. While this might have served evolutionary purposes by helping our ancestors quickly identify allies and threats, it also shapes how we respond to people in our modern, interconnected societies, particularly in diverse settings like the workplace.

    Findings published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience reveal how our brains might react differently to feedback depending on the group affiliation of the observer. This study utilized a method where participants were randomly categorized into "ingroups" or "outgroups." They were then tasked with performing activities while being observed by members from either group. The results showed that the presence of an outgroup observer could dampen neural reactions crucial for learning from feedback, specifically affecting the feedback-related negativity response in the brain.

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  • How Aligned Leadership Teams Drive Growth

    Growth can be fulfilling for you as a leader and is essential for expanding your impact and serving more people. Yet achieving predictable growth is often elusive, particularly when it's a group project for your leadership team.

    Many organizations I work with have a familiar structure: a CEO supported by a C-suite, under which are business leaders managing different accounts or service lines. Typically, these teams gather once or twice a year to strategize. Each leader then sets their division's priorities and dives into work -- often heads-down, relatively isolated. While teams meet plenty, these discussions sound more like a brief out from a collection of individual contributors versus a real team huddle.

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  • 8 Strategies to Safeguard Your Digital Business

    In today's digital age, where businesses rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently, the threat of cyberattacks looms larger than ever. From small startups to multinational corporations, no enterprise is immune to the potential devastation caused by cybercriminals. With data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyberthreats on the rise, it's imperative for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity measures to safeguard their sensitive information, reputation, and bottom line.

    Protecting your business from cyberattacks requires a proactive and multifaceted approach that involves educating employees, implementing robust security measures, and staying vigilant against evolving threats. By prioritizing cybersecurity and investing in preventative measures, businesses can mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks and safeguard their sensitive information and operations in an increasingly digital world. Remember, the cost of prevention is far less than the cost of a cyberattack.

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  • Arnold Schwarzenegger's Key to Winning 7 Mr. Olympia Titles

    Schwarzenegger and Columbu didn't just train together as bodybuilders, they started a successful bricklaying business and advertised it as "European bricklayers and masonry experts." They starred together in movies such as The Terminator. And they remained best friends for 50-plus years... till the day Columbu died. 

    I would never have gotten anywhere without my mother helping me with my homework and smacking me when I wasn't ready to study, without my father telling me to "be useful," without teachers who explained how to sell, or without coaches who taught me the fundamentals of weight-lifting.

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  • Calm Your Racing Mind and Fall Asleep in Minutes With This Simple Technique

    If you're tired of tossing and turning for hours, rehashing tomorrow's to-do list and stressing over incomplete action items, you're not alone. Racing thoughts are a common culprit that keeps many entrepreneurs from getting the restful sleep they crave. 

    A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology suggests that jotting down a quick to-do list before bed can help you fall asleep significantly faster than writing about completed tasks. That's right -- embracing your plans for tomorrow (or the next few days) in the form of a short, specific list may be the secret to calming your buzzing mind and slipping into slumber more easily.

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  • What to Expect at Google I/O 2024, and How to Watch It

    The annual developer conference kicks off with a keynote address on Tuesday. Look out for updates on Android, Search, and Assistant, plus a whole lot of AI news.

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